2008年4月11日 星期五


開首的《The Art Of Driving》是一首簡約的中版pop,回音的鼓聲令歌曲有點點trip
-hop的感覺。一男一女在車廂內的對話帶起用駕駛來比喻性愛的歌詞:"I wish you
'd learn to slow down,you might get there in the end.Don't think that the
accelerat or pedal is a man'sbest friend",Sarah甜美的聲線令人陶醉。《The
English Motorway System》同樣以交通作為題材,歌詞用英國的公路系統來形容感
情的分離,配上淒美(有點像Twin Peaks)的配樂,效果出色。《May Queen》講述學
生偷嘗禁果,女的卻要男的用血來作出承諾:"Write my name in blood across your
shirt.Prove to me that I'm the only one.Then cross your heart and hope to
die.May God strike you dead if it's a lie."

《French Rock'N'Roll》講一個為情自殺的女人竟因為聽到法國的搖擺音樂而打消死
念。"It was getting pretty obvious,I was never coming back.I threw open the
window,and I stoid out on the ledge.When the sweetest sound I ever heard
,pushed me back from the edge"。其實Black Box Recorder亦可能真的受到法國音

主題歌《The Facts Of Life》是全碟最悅耳的一曲亦是細碟作品。Sarah懶洋洋的半
講半唱,用悲觀的角度來形容人生:"No one gets through life without being hurt
"。而《The Deverell Twins》的主角則是一雙在維多利時期溺斃的孖生小孩子。

信就是Luke Haines這個天使與魔鬼的混合體
