2008年3月25日 星期二

The Raconteurs

White Stripes好像前不久才結束巡迴, Jack White同時也已經和The Raconteurs的夥伴開始製作新專輯了,這種停不下來的天才真是太恐怖了!更恐怖的是,(為了防止leak)Consolers of the Lonely發行的消息上禮拜才曝光,專輯今天(3/25)發行,這年頭大家都喜歡搞個震撼彈.自從第一張專輯的old school vibe廣受歡迎,Raconteurs也不再被純粹視為"Jack White的side project",這次Consolers of the Lonely一開始的title track更是猛烈的把聽者拉回到80年代的Hard Rock時期,不過背景卻是60年代的Blue;Jack White是個很會製造氣氛的說故事者,The Raconteurs獨特又好辨認的聲音當然部分也要歸功於Jack White時而尖銳弔詭,時而嘲諷的嗓音(當然也不能忘了Brendan Brenson啦). 這是張喜歡hard rock或是blue rock的人不能錯過的專輯.

The Raconteurs (also known as The Saboteurs in Australia), are a rock supergroup, featuring four members previously known for other musical projects: Jack White (of The White Stripes), Brendan Benson, Jack Lawrence (of The Greenhornes and Blanche), and Patrick Keeler (of The Greenhornes).

The album was mastered and completed in the first week of March. It was then taken immediately to a vinyl pressing plant. Then to a CD pressing plant. Then preparations to sell it digitally began. March 25th became the soonest date to have it available in EVERY FORMAT AT ONCE. The band have done no interviews or advertisements for this record before this announcement
